Number to Dial to See If Your Phone Is Tapped

Rob Leung

Privacy is essential to everyone, and as a smartphone user, the assurance that only you have access to your texts, phone calls, messages, etc. is priceless.

But then again, some people can gain access even to the most secure device. Now, here’s how you can tell if your phone is tapped.

Number to Dial to See If Your Phone Is Tapped

How to know if Anyone has hacked your phone?

  1. Use*#21# to know if your calls, messages, or other data have been diverted.
  2. See the status of the diversion taken place and the information that is being transferred.
  3. Dial *#62# -To find out where calls, messages, and data are being redirected to if it seems that nobody can get through to you.
  4. ##002# is a Particular code for switching off all forms of redirection away from your phone.
  5. Dial *#06# to find out IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) Number. If you know this number, find your phone if someone steals it.
  6. Special codes exist that allow you to track your location and also to determine whether someone is following you. The ones to be doubtful of our mobile base stations — this could be a truck or small bus with a large antenna.
  7. If you use Android, you should check your phone for viruses. Place Raider is one of the riskiest ones that can infect your device.
  8. If a phone makes odd noises by a conversation, loses battery power rapidly, overheats, or unexpectedly restarts, this is merely an indication thneed to get it repaired rather than a telltale sign that you’re being listened to.


Question: Is there a number I can call to find out if the Police?

Answer: Yes, there is a number you can call to find out the Police.

Question: Do you have any code used to check if your phone is tapped?

Answer: Yes, you have a code used to check if your phone is tapped.

Final Words

So, all are the information to protect your phone. If you want to protect your smart devices, you should follow above all of the rules.

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