How Much Data Does IMO Video Call Use?

Rob Leung

This is a question that many people are asking themselves, and for a good reason. With so many types of video chat apps out there, it can be hard to figure out which one will work the best for you.

One factor to consider is how much data each app uses when making or receiving a video call from another device. In this blog post, we’ll discuss about how much data does IMO video call use.

What is IMO Video Call?

Imo video call is a mobile app available on both iOS and Android that allows users to make video calls with their friends. The IMO company was founded in 2009 by the two co-founders of Skype who wanted to create an alternative for people frustrated with dropped calls or poor quality sound while making phone calls.

The IMO video application offers free IM (Instant Messaging), voice calling, group chats, HD (High Definition) Video Calls, and text messaging all within the same environment and platform.

The IMO video chat app allowed users to make free HD voice and video calls with other IMO members and paid dialling through traditional phone service providers.

How Much Data Does IMO Video Call Use

How Much Data Does Imo Video Call Use?

In IMO video calls, the data used depends on a few different factors.

Streaming HD Video

IMO video chat will use up to 400 megabytes per hour of streaming HD video (and your internet connection speed and strength will affect this). It may be less than that if you’re using IMO for other features like texting or voice calling while in a video call. For example, if you are doing one IMO text message every minute and talking on the phone during an IMO video call, 250 MB is used each hour.

Voice Calls

IMO uses about 16 kilobytes per second of audio when making or receiving voice calls from another device. So with average speeds (about 128 kbps), IMO video calls would use about 120 MB per hour of audio. If you are talking for an average of 30 minutes, IMO will use 360 MB each hour.

Group Chats

IMO group chats have a data usage that depends on the size and number of people in them, so if there is one person or two people chatting with IMO, it would be around 100 megabytes (MB) per hour, but bigger groups can consume more data as well. For example, if eight people were to chat together using IMO video chat, they might need up to 800 MB per hour while chatting – which could result in over 3600 MB used for just one conversation every 60 minutes!


IMO video chat will use up to 16 kilobytes per second of data when texting while in a video call – so with average speeds (about 128 kbps), IMO text messaging would consume about 120 MB every hour. If you send an IMO message every minute for one hour, IMO will have used 720 MB.

Receiving Voice and Video Calls

IMO’s receiving voice calls from another device uses the same amount of data, making them each second or less depending on your network connection strength/network speed. So if you take 30 minutes worth of phone calls using the IMO app, it will result in 60 minutes worth of data usage by the IMO app.

Why Do I Need To Know How Much Data It Uses?

Imo video call is one of the newest and sleekest video chatting apps out there – but how much data does IMO use when making or receiving a video call? IMO can help you make sense of your mobile data usage by giving you detailed information on which features are using up your bandwidth. Knowing IMO’s data usage will allow users to be more mindful about their cellular plan limits for voice, text messages, and other uses. In IMO, it’s easy to keep track of this because they have an online dashboard that lets people see exactly where their bytes are going each month (and what type).

  • IMO would be a great choice if someone has an unlimited phone plan from another provider like Verizon since IMO chat and IMO video calls would not be data hogs on this type of plan.
  • If someone has a finite carrier’s voice, text message, or data plan, then IMO may not be the best choice for them because it can use up so much bandwidth when chatting (iMessage) or making video calls. Imo is always looking to make IMO easier for users no matter their mobile phone provider – but many other options might work better depending on different needs and budgets in the internet land!

IMO Video Call

Tips For Using Less Data On Your Phone While Video Calling IMO

IMO video chat is a new and easy way to make video calls over the internet, but some ways can help you use less data when chatting or making IMO video call.

  • Reduce your data usage by using IMO’s low-quality mode – this will limit streaming HD videos, which can be huge bandwidth hogs on IMO (and other apps like FaceTime).
  • Turn off iMessage in IMO app settings if you’re only using it for voice calling/video chats, as those features don’t need text messaging. This would also save more battery life too!
  • If possible, try not to get an unlimited cellular plan from providers such as Verizon because they may limit how much data users can use each month. IMO video chat can be a data hog if you’re not careful, so it would be wise to keep this in mind when deciding on which cellular plan to get!
  • Use IMO’s group messaging feature for voice and video calls more than iMessage because it will use less data per person.
  • Ensure that people are close by and have good wifi/internet connection since the quality of your call depends on how strong those connections are.
  • If someone uses IMO constantly, consider getting an unlimited cellular plan from providers like Verizon or T Mobile. They allow high levels of mobile internet usage without overage charges even with heavier bandwidth hogs such as video calling apps like FaceTime and iMessage (or other IMO features).


With all of the benefits that Imo offers, it’s no wonder why their video call software is so popular. We hope you learned some new information about How Much Data Does Imo Video Call uses and can take advantage of its features to better communicate with your friends and family around the world! What do you think? Are there any other questions or comments we could answer for you? Feel free to comment below.

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