What is sync Gmail and how can you solve this error

Rob Leung

The case of Google locks to sync Gmail accounts in the native Outlook app for Windows 10 Mobile has a new chapter. Many have been users who have complained in different forums and web pages, and we have only seen a tweet mentioning that Microsoft is working on it. But there was officially no solution to this problem.

I’m here to assist you in solving the issue. We’ll discuss here the following: What is sync in Gmail and how would you fix it permanently? Are you ready to know? Then let’s go.

What is sync Gmail in Android and how to recover it smoothly?

We are facing this type of problem when we reboot our device after it was restored. Besides, it also happens after creating a new Gmail on our device. So we should know about it.  Before mentioning the steps to follow, say that it is the typical method to add accounts with POP and IMAP protocols that many of us have already followed before. Here we go with the instructions:

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  • At first, you have to go to “Settings.”
  • Then enter your Accounts (which have problems like this).
  • Enter “Your email and your accounts” and add your account.
  • Then, enter your email account and the corresponding password
  • Click “Login.”
  • After login open a windows browser (like Microsoft Edge).
  • Enter the Gmail website and log in.
  • Open the email that Google sent you about the blocked login and click on ” more information.”

New Gmail Sync and Notifications

We’re giving you a walk-through of a bunch of different changes that have come through in the Gmail 4.5 interface. One of the big ones with the inclusion of the new mail categories and tabs in Gmail is turning on individual label sync in notifications. So by default, now when you turn on the new Gmail mailbox notifications or when you add any new label as been the case for several versions.

Now the notifications in sync are not turned on by default. It’s a little annoying with the new mail categories.  But it’s an easy fix. For example, if we would like to turn on all, these are all turned on already. We’ll just use the basic example from our writer queue here.

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Here are the five steps to solve this error:

  1. So when you get your email list pulled up in any folder any label or any tab that you create, you can always go to the Settings button up top and the label settings.
  2. It will take you into specific settings just for that label and by default. It turned to none in the sync messages area. You can change in the main settings how many days to sync when you turn this on by default. That’s 30. I’ve set it to 60.
  3. But then you can also select all as well, and it will pin for lack of a better word all of your mail down onto your device. So, you go ahead and select the number of days that you would like to have it synced.
  4. Then you can also check the box to turn on label notifications. This is especially important when we talk about the new mail categories. Because if you do not turn on notifications, you will not know unless you go and check manually that the email is being pulled down to your advice.
  5. You can, of course, select the sound to turn on vibrate and select whether or not. You want it to notify you periodically of the number of messages that are available or to notify. For example, every single time that a new one comes in for something important, then it will vibrate.

What you should know before setting:

You probably want a sound to vibrate and notify for every message. You may even want to kick up the sink to sink all So that in places of lousy connectivity, you have all the messages pulled down preemptively. You can go ahead and go through and do this for every one of your labels and customize it to your liking. I think you know there are some email labels that you do not want to be notified of, or you just want to sound. But no vibration or you want a different sound for the more important emails. So that’s why your quick look about changing the notifications and sound.

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How to Turn Off or On Google Auto Data Sync in Android

Here are the few steps that help you to turn off or on Google auto-sync in your Android device.

  • At first, you have to select the Gmail account for which you want to control the data sync.
  • Then, just select that icon tap on that there. You can see, of course, since on for all our items.
  • Tap on that so there you can see right now the auto Sync has enabled for a calendar, contacts, Gmail which will fit that up purple details play games cloud sale.
  • You maybe notice that a lot of other options are missing here. That is because if you are using and don’t go edition in Android. Normally go region is optimized to run in low-level hardware.
  • So these are options right now it’s available in and coalition.
  • You can just disable it here. We have to disable everything like this and only enable the thing which you want. You can go back.

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Here, you can see one option. Hereof you select that option. You can see the message in this will console. It turns battery usage. But you will need to think of each account manually to collect recent information, and you won’t receive a notification. So if you disable it here, actually it would automatically disable all the Google accounts which you added to this phone.


we can control or auto sync auto data sync and protect your data and battery usage, so this is useful. If you have multiple Gmail accounts and in your phone and you are using only one account in that case for other accounts, you can just disable auto-sync that way; you can save your data and by pre usage. I hope you enjoyed this article. I hope now you will be clear about What is sync in Gmail and how to solve this error. If you have another problem with this topic, let us know via email or comment on this blog.

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