10 Ways To Protect Your Computer That You Should Apply

Rob Leung

We know that there are lots of tools in the operation of small and medium businesses: we use it to make electronic transfers, check inventory status, share confidential data with our customers or suppliers, and manage social media campaigns.

However, we rarely consider the dangers that such confidential information can be stolen. Cyber ​​attacks are a reality that we cannot ignore, and whose modalities change from year to year. The good news is that we can prevent and prevent them with simple practices and the right tools.

Here the 10 ways to protect your computer, and included some recommendations to increase to the maximum level and security. Are you excited to know? Let’s get started.

Getting Know: The new 10 ways to protect your computer

Here are a few ways to protect your computer this year. Don’t worry. In this here you will get your problems:

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  • Have antivirus and have it updated: Have antivirus and have it updated: It is the most authoritative reference. It is necessary to have a reliable antivirus and antispyware that supports you protect your device against threats such as Trojans, spyware. Although this tool is not a 100% safe shield against the most dangerous viruses, it is most effective with low or medium-level attacks, which, on the other hand, are the most widespread. Remember that for its correct operation, like the other applications or programs that you have installed on your computer, the antivirus has to be updated periodically.
  • Update the software periodically: It is another of the tips that followed to the letter. Although several occasions we are unwilling to update our software due to negligence or even disregard, We must understand that the outdating of this means greater vulnerability, since usually, the latest versions provide more excellent protection and the solution of failures of previous versions. Hence, it is a vast idea to have applications that check if there are updates available for our software and recommend us to download them.
  • Use secure passwords and replace them periodically: Although many times we despair that passwords must contain uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols and must have at least eight characters, these requirements have an explanation. The further complex the phrase, the more security. In this sense, we must use strong passwords in those applications that require it, especially those that contain confidential personal information. Also, it is recommended not to use the same password in all our accounts, since any identity theft in one of them could mean unlimited access to all the others.

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  • Avoid doing private operations on public and open networks: It seems like obvious advice, but the reality is that on occasion, we forced to use a public system to carry out operations that put confidential information and data at risk, as is the case with bank transactions. On these occasions, it recommended sharing the connection but not the data. The possibility of using more secure servers, do so.
  • Check the security of the Wi-Fi network used: It is a recommendation closely linked to the previous one. It is that, in the same way, that we should try to avoid public networks when we carry out specific actions, we must also keep in mind to review the security of our usual network at home. In this sense, although Wireless or wireless networks are increasingly popular, in terms of security, wired systems are preferable.
  • Log out when finished: Although it is indeed much more comfortable to keep our sessions open in most applications, since this way we do not have to put our username and password every time we want to enter, this is not a very good idea. We must get used, even more so on shared computers, to log out, especially in applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail. It would not be the earliest time that someone has seen their identity tricked or personal data stolen for leaving a session open.
  • Back up: Have you stopped to think about what would happen if you lost all the content on your computer? Sometimes, the action of a virus, malicious users, or, simply, due to failures in the operating system, we can lose photographs, files, and confidential information. So making backups is a great idea and will save us on more than one occasion. Having an external hard drive with a backup or uploading what we consider essential to the cloud is a good prevention measure
  • Teach those who share a computer with us and create different users: Taking care of the security of our devices is an attitude that we must instill in those who share it with us. It is always positive to explain basic security concepts and behaviors to these people, since the more informed they are, the less they will be exposed online. In this sense, it is good practice to create different users on the same computer and each person to use theirs.
  • Do not give personal Data To Stranger: It seems obvious, but sometimes you can do it most innocently. A fake email was asking for information, an online store that doesn’t exist, or a website that asks for a phone number, and you end up subscribing to something without knowing it.
  • MAKE A CORPORATE SECURITY POLICY: It is necessary to take care that all the areas of the company comply with security regulations, since a setback in a computer may perhaps affect others. That is, your employees and colleagues are aware of these recommendations.

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Frequently Ask Questions(FAQs)

Q How to Install an anti-virus?

A. These programs are basic and protect your computer in real-time from malicious code and any piece of software that may affect the operating system. There are two main dangers to these types of attacks: deleting essential files and slowing down your computer. Recommendation: When you buy an anti-virus, make sure it includes an automatic update.

Q Why we shouldn’t open spam messages

A. It includes the links included in the email and the attached files. In recent years, hackers have become more sophisticated and have found more creative ways to trick users, so be very careful when reviewing this folder.

Q  Why click on rare links?

A. Not even if people you know send them to you. It is very obvious that through Twitter, someone sends you a private in English saying that you click on a link. Do not do it. Take care of your company’s communication.

Q How to Uninstall the old applications?

A. If we usually download applications from the internet, we must also have the habit, from time to time, of deleting all the others that we no longer use. Doing this is a reasonably simple task. We just have to go to the Control Panel and click where it says, “Add or remove programs.” Occasionally we will have to go to C: / Program Files / to remove some of the unused applications.

Providing an excellent maintenance service and keeping your computer in good condition, is a fairly simple job to do, you just need to follow the brief tips that I just gave you. They are commands that you may not have known. I recommend that you learn them that you put them into use since they can help you a lot from now on to have 100% of your equipment. Also, the use of these will prevent you from requiring a technician to repair your computer. Providing excellent maintenance service and keeping your computer in good condition is a relatively simple job to do and will prevent you from requiring a technician to repair your computer.

Q  Why is the Recovery of deleted files essential?

A When we have deleted a file on the PC, we are not precisely cleaning the hard disk of it; on the contrary, we are only removing the index of the information that informs your computer of the location of the file, and at what time the computer machine You can be free to use the part of the disk, where this file is as a space to write something else. If we accidentally delete data, we can ask for help from programs like Recuva, which allows us to retrieve information of great importance, as long as it was written about them.


Following these recommendations can help reduce the threats that both novice and experienced users exposed to. But also, remember that you can always ask for help from a professional who will advise you in the world of security and privacy on the Internet. It is the case of some insurance products such as MGS Hogar Habitual, which has a remote Home Computer Assistance coverage with which computer professionals will assist you in protecting your technological devices and applications against security and privacy threats. If you are following 10 ways to protect your computer, then your computer will be safe than before. If you have any ask question, then comment below or email us.

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