If someone has my IP address what can they do

Rob Leung

An IP address is an important part of maintaining your security. So before sharing your IP address with anyone, you should know what a hacker can do with an IP address and what will happen if your IP address has been hacked. You should be careful and need to fix a hacked IP address.

How do I know if someone is using my IP address

It’s essential to know whether someone is using your IP or not. If someone using your specific IP, you will receive a message from your device that there is something conflict with your IP.

If any unexpected person wants to find or use your IP, it will send an Address Resolution Protocol message. You should never allow these types of requests.

Read More On IP Address: Can someone use my IP address from another location

If someone has my IP address what can they do

If anyone knows your IP address, they can do you a lot of harm. He can easily track your location and steal valuable data.

Using your IP address, a hacker can connect with your computer directly—every device several devices to communicate through ports.

After knowing your IP, the hacker will force you to get connected. When he gets success, it’s normal to control everything of your device. There is a high possibility of stealing data and blackmailing you.

Read More On IP Address: What can a hacker do with an IP address


Here are the most asked questions about IP address

How do I reset my IP address?

To remove your current IP address, type ipconfig/release at the command prompt and press enter. To reset IP address, type ipconfig/renew at the command prompt and press enter.

How do I hide my IP address?

Several ways can be applied to hide your IP address. It would be best if you use a proxy server or VPN (a virtual private network).

Read More On IP Address: Can Two Computers Have The Same IP Address – Enjoy The Simple Guide


Like your real address, the IP address is an online address. To saving your stored network data, it’s essential to keep it away from others.

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