14 TV Shows That Couldn’t Recover After A Popular Character’s Death

Rob Leung


Sometimes, the death of a beloved character can shake a TV show to its core. Here are 14 TV shows that struggled to regain their footing after losing a popular character.

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead saw a significant decline after the brutal death of Glenn. Fans were devastated, and the show never quite regained its momentum. Glenn’s death marked a turning point that many viewers found hard to move past, impacting the overall enjoyment of the series.

Grey’s Anatomy

When Grey’s Anatomy lost Derek Shepherd, played by Patrick Dempsey, it was a huge blow to the show. His death left a void that was hard to fill, and many fans felt the series lost some of its magic. The chemistry between Derek and Meredith was irreplaceable, making it difficult for the show to maintain its previous allure.

House of Cards

House of Cards faced a major upheaval after Kevin Spacey, who played Frank Underwood, was written out of the series. The show attempted to continue with Claire Underwood at the helm, but it struggled to recapture the intrigue and intensity that Frank’s character brought.

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones had several shocking deaths, but the death of Robb Stark during the Red Wedding was particularly impactful. His loss was a major turning point in the series, and while the show remained popular, it never fully recovered the same level of engagement and investment from fans.

The O.C.

The O.C. took a hit after the death of Marissa Cooper. Her character was central to many of the show’s storylines, and her absence left a noticeable gap. The following season struggled to find its footing, and the show ultimately couldn’t sustain its initial success.

Two and a Half Men

Charlie Sheen’s departure from Two and a Half Men was a game-changer. His character, Charlie Harper, was a cornerstone of the show’s humor and appeal. Despite Ashton Kutcher’s best efforts, the series never regained its former glory and dynamic.

Boardwalk Empire

Jimmy Darmody’s death in Boardwalk Empire was a pivotal moment that left fans reeling. As a key character, his storyline was crucial to the series’ early seasons. Without him, the show struggled to maintain the same level of dramatic tension and intrigue.

Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey experienced a major shift after the death of Matthew Crawley. His character’s relationship with Mary was a central plotline, and his sudden departure left fans heartbroken. The show continued, but it was clear that a significant spark was missing.


The death of Andy Whitfield, who played the titular role in Spartacus, was a tragic loss. Although the show continued with a new lead, it couldn’t quite capture the same energy and charisma that Whitfield brought. His portrayal of Spartacus was irreplaceable.

Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy suffered after the death of Opie Winston. Opie was a beloved character whose loyalty and tragic fate deeply affected viewers. His absence was keenly felt, and the show struggled to fill the emotional void left behind.


When Homeland killed off Nicholas Brody, played by Damian Lewis, it marked a significant shift in the series. Brody’s complex relationship with Carrie Mathison was a driving force of the early seasons. Without him, the show struggled to maintain its gripping narrative.


24 faced a major challenge after the death of Tony Almeida. Tony’s character was a fan favorite, and his loss impacted the show’s dynamic. While the series continued with intense action and drama, it never fully recovered the same level of fan engagement.


Vikings saw a notable decline after the death of Ragnar Lothbrok. Ragnar was the heart of the show, and his charismatic leadership and complex character arc were central to its appeal. After his death, the show struggled to maintain its momentum and viewer interest.

The 100

The 100 took a hit after the death of Lexa, a beloved character whose relationship with Clarke was groundbreaking. Lexa’s death caused a significant backlash from fans, and the show struggled to move forward without her. Her character’s impact was deeply felt, and her absence left a void that was hard to fill.