How to Type Fractions On Android

Rob Leung

In mathematics, a fraction (from the Latin fractio, meaning break) is a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts.

We use fractions in math to represent parts of a whole. If you want to write a fraction, you always write it the same way.

Fractions are written with the numerator at the top and the denominator at the bottom to show how many parts are in the whole.

In the fraction ¾, the numerator means it has three equal parts, and the denominator 4 means it has four parts total.

You’ll find the most common fractions on your Android keyboard. This article discusses how to type fractions on your Android phone.

Fractions on the Mobile Phone

You can find the most common fractions used on iPhone and Android keyboards.

In this article, we will outline the steps to type the most common fractions using your Google Gboard keyboard app, the default keyboard for the Google Pixel range, and Android phones.

Without further ado, here are the steps how to type fractions on your Android phone.


How to Type Fractions On Android

In order to type Fractions on an Android phone, follow the steps on your phone’s keyboard below:

  1. Tap ?123
  2. If you hold the numerator down long enough, it will display available fractions. By holding down 1, as shown above, you get the following options: ½, ⅓, ¼, ⅕, ⅙, ⅐, ⅛, ⅑, ⅒.
  3. Select the fraction you want to use. For example, ½.

To put it simply, find the number of the numerator on your keypad, press that button long enough, and choose the available fraction.

How to Type 1/2 On Android Phone


In order to type ½ on an Android phone, follow the steps on your phone’s keyboard below:

  1. Tap ?123
  2. Hold down 1
  3. As shown above, you get the following options: ½, ⅓, ¼, ⅕, ⅙, ⅐, ⅛, ⅑, ⅒.
  4. Select ½.

Available Fractions on Android

Some fractions aren’t available on the keyboard. It only lists the most common fractions.
If your fraction isn’t on the keyboard, you’ll have to type it using the notation: numerator/denominator.

Here are the available fractions on the Android keyboard:

Number Key Available Fractions
1 ½, ⅓, ¼, ⅕, ⅙, ⅐, ⅛, ⅑, ⅒
2 ⅔, ⅖
3 ¾, ⅗, ⅜
5 ⅚, ⅝


What are fractions?

Parts of a whole are represented with fractions in math. The numerator is above the fractional bar, and the denominator is below it. By dividing the numerator by the denominator, any fraction can be written in decimal form.

The numerator determines the number of equal parts, and the denominator determines how many equal parts there are.

When dealing with fractions, a whole is divided into smaller parts, or a large group is divided into smaller groups, so that even if we divide differently, we still get the same result.