How to Keep Your Phone Safe From the Sun

Rob Leung

How many times have you used your iPhone or Android Phone for an extended period of time and noticed that it became too hot and prompted a warning? It is important not to ignore this warning message. In this case, there is a problem with your phone, and it is telling you that the temperature is too high.
In order to get the best performance from your phone, it is recommended that you do not use it in extreme temperatures. Therefore, it is not recommended to expose your phone to extreme cold or extreme heat. Similar to exposing your phone to extreme heat, your phone should never be placed in a refrigerator or freezer. Cold temperatures, such as those found in a refrigerator, may permanently damage your phone.

Can The Sun Make Your Phone Hot?

Our phones are also affected by the heat of the sun, just as we are. Your phone’s temperature will rapidly increase if it is exposed to direct sunlight for a prolonged period of time or in warm weather.

In the summer, leaving the phone in the sun or inside your car on a hot day can cause the device to overheat. If the phone becomes too hot, data might be lost or damaged. Furthermore, the device may become permanently sluggish as a result of repeated exposure to heat.

How to Keep Your Phone Safe From the Sun

Tip # 1: Remove your phone from direct sunlight

If you can place your phone in a shadowy or cooler location, you should do so. In this way, your phone will be able to cool down and will not be damaged.

When you are out and about, you may want to consider sitting under a tree to catch some shade. A car shade can be used to reduce the amount of heat inside a vehicle. Curtains may be used to minimize the amount of heat entering a room. There are often sun umbrellas available on beaches, and you may wish to purchase one or stay under one instead of being exposed to direct sunlight.

As a result of these simple changes, your phone will not be directly exposed to the sun.

Tip # 2: Do not put your phone in one of your pockets

While hiking, I once experienced an overheating problem with my phone. I immediately removed the phone from my pocket after feeling the heat.

As with the sun, a smartphone can also be heated by body heat. Running or hiking causes your body to heat up, and this affects your phone as well if it is close to your body.

Consider bringing a small backpack for your activities and transferring your phone to it. By doing so, you will ensure that it is not affected by your body heat.

Tip # 3:  Remove the phone case

Although phone cases can provide protection for your phone and even enhance its aesthetics, they are not without their downsides. A phone case can restrict airflow and cause even more heat to build up on the phone. Just as you remove layers when it becomes hot, taking the case off of your device will allow it to cool down more quickly.

Remove the case from your phone, since it traps heat and prevents the device from cooling properly.

Tip # 4: Pause intensive tasks

Regardless of the weather, if you are using your phone intensively, such as playing games or editing videos, there will be a significant amount of resource consumption. So whenever you use your phone for intensive tasks, such as playing games, streaming videos, and chatting via video, it will become hot. It might be best to avoid extremely intensive phone activities if it is already very hot due to the summer heat.

Charging the phone at high speed can also cause heat. When I am charging my phone while on a zoom call, my phone regularly complains of overheating. Generally, I remove the phone from the charger when I cannot put down the zoom call immediately.

You can pause your gaming or editing when you move to a cooler area if you are simply gaming or editing something.

Tip # 5: Switch to Dark Mode

The dark mode may make reading a phone more difficult, but it is useful not only to conserve the battery but also to prevent overheating.

In the event that you are unable to switch to dark mode or do not wish to do so, you may reduce the brightness of your screen. While you may have difficulty seeing what you are reading, your phone will not overheat rapidly.

Switching off adaptive brightness may also be necessary if your phone has this feature enabled.

If these changes are implemented, your phone will not overheat as quickly as it did previously.

Tip # 6: Do not put your phone inside a refrigerator

Never place the phone in a refrigerator or freezer, because exposure of your phone to extreme temperatures or humidity causes permanent damage. Putting your hot phone in an extremely cold location, such as the refrigerator, could result in permanent damage

Tip # 7: Turn off your phone

In the event that none of the above-mentioned tips prove effective, you may want to consider one last option. Before your phone becomes too hot, you should turn it off. This will ensure that you do not damage your phone.

Final Thoughts: Keeping Your Phone Safe From the Sun

In the same way that we take care that our bodies do not overheat, we should do the same with our phones.

We should slow down the phone’s usage if it becomes too hot. There may be a need for us to stop what we are doing, stop charging it, or switch to an activity that consumes fewer resources.

In addition to moving physically to a cooler location, we can also move the phone away from our bodies. By removing the phone’s case, you will also be able to allow the device to breathe a little more freely. Please do not place it inside a refrigerator as this will not help.

In the event that nothing else seems to work, turn off the phone and wait until it feels cooler to the touch.