Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). All of this website content like text, audio, video, image is submitted to “” by email, or it’s comes to various places on the Internet. So that it’s believed to be a public domain, all of our content, including text, audio, video, image, is published according to our right by the U.S. Copyright Fair Use Act (DMCA). This abide by all acts of the “Digital Millennium Copyright Act” that well known as DMCA. According to its policy, it responds to unauthorized components and takes essential steps.

If anyone finds any copyrighted component in this GuidesMania, they could make a withdrawn request for us. In this case, you need to give us written information that details are given below.

  • Provide us enough evidence from the authorized person to act or on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is infringed.
  • Try to provide a physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner, or you may also send it a person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
  • Give us your sufficient information so that we may contact you. Remember, you must need to send a valid email address.
  • You need to identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted work that claimded to have been infringed. And you also may send a one search term under which the component appears in the Guides Mania search results.
  • Take us a statement you have a good faith belief that the use of the component is not authorized by the original copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  • Provide a statement that the given information in the notification is accurate. It happens will under penalty of perjury that the complaining side is authorized to act on behalf of the legal owner of an exclusive right that is actually infringed.

GuidesMania is very sincere about intellectual property and also authorized content. After getting your complaint, we will take an essential step like the restricted author profile or removal materials. Then the author will notify through the email address about that copyright issue.

If any of our guest writers or account holders get this copyright notification, they could send us counter-notification. On the counter-notification, you must need to send us a couple of things that;

  • Your physical or electronic signature.
  • Send us the Identification of the material that has been removed or disabled on our site. Please must include the location where your materials appeared before the disabled.
  • Provide us a statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the components were deleted or disabled. As a result, that mistake or misidentification happens to the elements to be deleted or disabled.
  • Then send us your name, home address, and telephone number and also written statement that you agree to the jurisdiction of the federal district court for the judicial district.

But getting counter-notification, we again recheck it and will take another step like restore the materials.

Finally, want to awake for all; if you’re not sure about the rights holder or authorized act on a rights holder’s behalf, don’t send us any copyright claim. Moreover, if you do this, you will be liable for any damages that including costs and attorneys’ fees incurred by us or our website users.